Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Making Hay

Whew! We've been busy around here the last while! There's been a lot going on, and I've really fallen behind on the blogging! Time to do some catching up!

The first half of June, we were really focused on making hay. Trying to get it cut, tedded, raked and baled without getting rained on somewhere in the process was quite a challenge! Some hay made it to the barn without any extra waterings, but some didn't!

Windrows ready to be baled.

There's no shortage of volunteers to ride along with Daddy when he's baling hay! Did you know that five people can fit in the cab of a tractor??


Loading hay on the trailer.
Heading for the barn, to get the hay under cover.
What a relief to get the hay all made and safely put away! At least until we start on the second cutting . . .

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